



July 31, 2014 marked Milton Friedman Legacy Day in the Pennsylvania state capitol. 弗里德曼于2006年去世,在他的职业生涯中,他是麦凯恩的经济顾问. 巴里·戈德华特,尼克松总统和里根总统. 他是个教育家, 慈善家, academic and advocate who wrote extensively on the theorems of economics as government policy with a primary emphasis on the preservation and extension of individual freedom. Mr. 弗里德曼被认为是“择校之父”, 直到今天, 作为当地和全国择校运动的指导人物.

REACH(通过选择实现教育成就之路)基金会, Pennsylvania’s grassroots coalitions dedicated to ensuring parental choice in education, chose this day to host a comprehensive workshop detailing the current status of two vital programs which support vwin德赢娱乐 – the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) and Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) programs.

奥托银行, REACH’s Executive Director led the proceedings and was supported by presentations from the state’s Acting Secretary of Education, 卡洛琳Dumaresq, Ed.D., state education lobbyist Brian Abela and the state’s Department of 社区 Economic Development (DCED) Executive Director of EITC Programming as well as its sister program, 的OSTC. (参见附录,了解最新情况和节目内容).

自2001年以来, EITC计划为企业提供了一个简单的, impactful way to support local education by simply directing contributions to provide scholarship dollars to qualified educational organizations instead of sending their tax dollars to Harrisburg. OSTC是两年前成立的, specifically funding students from the lowest performing school districts in the state (Philadelphia, 到目前为止, 有资格获得最好学校奖学金的学生最多吗. 简单地说, both programs redirect dollars that would have been paid as in state business taxes and direct them instead to provide scholarship support for qualified students at vwin德赢娱乐. GA是两个项目的合格奖学金组织.

这两个项目都引起了极大的兴趣, 在过去10年里,总共发放了3亿多美元的援助. EITC计划非常成功, 事实上, that applicant businesses are frequently placed on a wait list for first time participation. Available tax credits are often exhausted a mere hours after the application process opens each July first.

vwin德赢娱乐 benefits immensely from these crucial programs due to two primary factors: Business owners from within the GA community (parents, 校友, 校友家长, 等.) have identified this as an efficient way to involve their businesses in state educational programming directly at their favorite school. 也, 因为我们离费城很近, GA currently enrolls more students who qualify financially for support from these two programs than we have aid to distribute.

我们希望你, 你的公司呢?, will consider participating in these truly transformational programs offered by our state government. 了解更多信息, 请联系Martin Dean, 机构发展副主任, 267-405-7458 or 电子邮件.

Current EITC K-12 Credit Distribution Timeline (Fiscal Year ’14-’15 total - $60 million):

截至2014年7月31日- 23美元.3m had been approved for companies in year two of a two year commitment (given first priority, 提供了新的提前续约日期(5月15日)
$28.7m had been approved for companies in year one of a two year commitment (given second priority, 还提供了5月15日的新续约日期)
$8m was approved for standard July 1 applications (for which there was demand for $10.仅7月1日就有100万份申请).



  • Some current discussion about phasing out Capital Stock and Franchise taxes in the future. Government will consider adding new applicable state taxes for EITC/OSTC business applicants.
  • Secondary Career and Technical Schools may be added as new eligible recipients of EITC/OSTC funding (causing more participation outlets for businesses; more competition for program dollars among scholarship organizations)
  • New house bill addressing the assurance that all available tax credits are distributed each year; establishing annual timeline where remaining credits from either program can be distributed to the other assuring that there is no carry forward or unapplied funding


  • Businesses making a two year commitment to EITC program have a distinct advantage in the distribution process with new early application timeline
  • OSTC程序, 现在, presents streamlined opportunity for approvals starting July 1 due to less competition for available credits
  • Philadelphia ranks atop the list of state areas with lowest performing public school districts, GA currently enrolls many students who are eligible for both EITC and OSTC funding